

Heather Registered Veterinary Technician

I’ve wanted to be in the veterinary field, ever since I was in elementary school. I’ve always loved all animals of every size and shape, and tried to bring home just about any animal I thought needed a home, whether my parents agreed or not. I worked in a pet store for a few years during university, and while researching veterinary careers, I learned about veterinary technology. I felt like this career was made for me and applied to college right away. I graduated with honours from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College (now Dalhousie Agricultural Faculty) in 2011, and the rest, as they say, is history. I started with Sunrise Animal Hospital in the summer of 2010 during my work term for the veterinary technician program. It was only a six-week work term, but I stayed the entire summer until I had to go back to Nova Scotia to finish school. I returned part-time while I was home for Christmas, and started as a full-time technician when I graduated the next May.

There are so many areas of veterinary medicine that interest me. In my day to day job, I love dentistry and laboratory work, however, I really have a soft spot for our exotic critters, whether they have fur, scales, or feathers! I would love to work in zoo medicine and rehabilitation at a zoo or an aquarium, however, that would mean moving away from home. There are many areas you can specialize in veterinary technology, but I don’t think I could pick just one! I grew up with family dogs and a fish tank, but the very first pet that I can remember was a hamster named Teddy. The thing I love most about my job is that no two days are the same and that I never stop learning. I have been working in this field for eight years and I still get excited to see and learn new things.

There’s no better feeling than working side by side the rest of the team to do what’s best for someone’s family member. While it comes with its challenges, my job is incredibly rewarding, especially when that reward is a snuggle or a sloppy kiss from a sweet old dog or a cuddly kitten. My favourite thing at Sunrise Animal Hospital is that we have an amazing team and we all strive for what’s best for our patients. We’re constantly evolving to provide the best standard of care possible, and we’re encouraged to learn and grow in the field. I think if I had to pick an area to work in at all times, it would either be in surgery helping with anesthesia or in the laboratory running samples. When I’m not obsessing over animals (which isn’t very often), I’m either playing piano, singing, listening to music, or out enjoying nature and trying to improve my limited photography skills.