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Reflections on a Parrot’s Beak Surgery
Reflections on a Parrot’s Beak Surgery

Reflections on a Parrot’s Beak Surgery

We recently had the very handsome African Grey parrot, Timmy Legge in for an examination. Timmy was the unfortunate victim of a split beak. 

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6 Tips to Get Your Cat Summer Ready
6 Tips to Get Your Cat Summer Ready

6 Tips to Get Your Cat Summer Ready

It’s that time of the year again! Temperatures are rising, days are getting longer, and our kitties depend on us to help get them ready for the summer months. 

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My East Coast Trail Adventure-With Dogs!
My East Coast Trail Adventure-With the Dogs!

My East Coast Trail Adventure-With Dogs!

With summer just around the corner, you are probably wondering what to do with your dogs! Are you looking for new places to adventure? 

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Tips for Living with Cats
Tips for Living with Cats

Tips for Living with Cats

Lots of us can be suckers for those sweet, adorable faces that practically scream, “take me home.” I, for one, have fallen victim to the kitty cat eyes many times. 

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The Love of Rescues
The Love of Rescues

The Love of Rescues

I have been working in a veterinary clinic for over ten years, and I have rescued several animals and brought them into my family.

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Keep your Pets Safe on Canada Day!
7 Tips to Keep your Pets Safe on Canada Day!

Keep your Pets Safe on Canada Day!

We hope you and your family (fur family included) have a wonderful day! Sadly, many pets get lost during firework celebration. 

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How to Trim Cat Nails
How to Trim Cat Nails

How to Trim Cat Nails

Sometimes owners can feel overwhelmed by trying to trim their cats’ nails at home, and taking them to the vet or groomer to get them done can be upsetting for the cat. 

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How to Afford your Vet Visit
How to Afford your Vet Visit

How to Afford your Vet Visit

You’ve got yourself a new companion! Be they furry, feathered or covered in scales, you’ve now obtained a friend who will depend on you for the rest of their lives. 

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Agility Training for Dogs
Agility Training for Dogs

Agility Training for Dogs

Dog sports are a great way to bond with your dog. They are great physical and mental stimulation for both your dog and yourself.

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Dog Dental Care at Home
Dog Dental Care at Home

Dog Dental Care at Home

It is recommended to brush your pet’s teeth at home at least two to three times per week and take your pet for a professional dental cleaning once a year if necessary.

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How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Healthy
How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Healthy

How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Healthy

On average indoor cats live longer than outdoor cats, but they don’t have the same stimulation from their indoor environment as they would being an outdoor cat.

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Lyra’s Spay Day
Lyra’s Spay Day

Lyra’s Spay Day

Adrienna, one of my coworkers, was kind enough to provide us with pictures of her own little dog’s spay day and I figured I’d share this with you, our canine lovers!

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