Overweight Cat Help

Reaching a healthy weight will reduce your cat's risk of developing certain health issues.

One of the leading issues that we see now is overweight and obese cats. This added weight can lead to other health issues for your feline friend. At Sunrise Animal Hospital, we can offer you advice on products and diets to assist you and your cat in losing weight and maintaining their weight.

How do I know if my cat is overweight?

It is not all about the number on the scale but about their body condition score. Indications of a good body score are having an obvious abdominal tuck or waistline and ribs that are not visible, but you can easily feel the ribs when pressing down. During a physical examination, our veterinarians can let you know what your cat’s body condition score is and based on their weight, how much they should lose to get back to a healthy body condition.

How can I help my cat to lose weight?

A few things you can do to help your cat lose weight are ensuring they are not getting any extra calories than they need, by making sure they have proper portions and not a full bowl of food around all the time. Increasing the amount of exercise your cat gets by playing with them more, or throwing their dry food across the room, so they have to run to get it. There are also food balls and puzzle feeders that slow down how quickly they eat.

What is offered during a nutritional consultation?

We will take your cat’s weight and measurements to determine exactly how overweight they are and what their healthy weight would be. We then input this into our system, which will let us know exactly how much to feed and approximately how long it will take to reach the goal weight.

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