
Microchipping is crucial for pet safety, ensuring a higher chance of reunion if they ever get lost.

Having a lost dog is something no owner wants to go through but it can happen. Having your dog microchipped is usually the fastest way for staff at veterinary clinics and shelters to return your dog to you.

Why is it a good idea to microchip my dog?

If your dog gets lost and is brought to a veterinary clinic or animal shelter, the staff will be able to scan your dog’s microchip and access your information (as long as you have registered your microchip) and contact you. Microchips are also great if you plan on traveling to other countries, as many countries are able to scan for microchips as well. Some countries even require your dog to be microchipped for traveling with you. Unlike tattoos, which can fade over time and be difficult to read, a microchip will stay with your dog for life.

How does a microchipping work and is it safe for my dog?

A small microchip is inserted underneath the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. This is a safe procedure and is not painful. Each microchip has a unique number. This number is then registered with the microchip company, with your basic information. You will be sent home with all this information and it is important to keep your information up to date with the microchip company.

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

If you are interested in getting your dog a microchipped, please give us a call to discuss booking an appointment and the price.

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