Spaying and Neutering

This surgery not only prevents reproduction but also reduces the risk of some cancers.

We believe getting your dog spayed or neutered has many benefits for your pet and for the pet population. Spaying and neutering help to control the number of pets without a home, that end up in shelters. There are also health and behavioral benefits too.

What does neutering/spaying do to a dog?

When your dog gets spayed or neutered, they go under anesthetic and one of our veterinarians surgically removes their reproductive organs.

Why is it important to neuter/spaying my dog?

It is important to spay and neuter your dog not only from preventing unwanted pregnancies it will also help to prevent serious health concerns. When a female gets spayed, she is no longer at risk for pyometra, an infection in the uterus that can be life-threatening.

How old should a dog be before they are neutered/spayed?

We spay and neuter dogs starting at 6 months of age. For a female, this is usually before her first heat. We can spay or neuter a dog at any age, so if you have an older dog we still recommend getting them spayed or neutered. For females, if they have just had a heat, we want to wait 12 weeks after she has finished her heat to get her spayed.

How much does it cost to neuter/spay a dog?

Please give our clinic a call at 709-368-7981 to discuss the details of getting your dog spayed or neutered and the costs associated with the surgery.

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