Help Your Pets Adjust to Routine Change

Back to school days are very fast approaching. Your carefree lifestyle will change into more of a routine schedule with kids going back to school. This not only means a change in your routine schedule but also the schedule of your fur family as well.

Have you considered how this will impact your canine family? Don’t get me wrong, your, feline family will miss you as well, however, cats usually make themselves scarce during the day. The need for feline family is generally on their terms and time (usually at 5 am for my 3 feline babies).

Dogs are more social creatures who are loyal to the point of following us or the kids around each room of the home. This could potentially cause a little distress for him/her once school starts and the house falls silent during the day.

There are a number of things you can do to keep your dog from missing you too much during the first few weeks of your routine change.

  1. Have a family member stop by your home during the day to check in on your doggy.
  2. Check-in your City/Town to see if there are any people who have a dog walking business that can come by during the day to walk your buddy. Perhaps a responsible young adult in your neighbourhood would gladly take on walking your dog for a small fee.
  3. Check with any animal boarding facilities or vet clinics that offer doggy daycare services. A daily fee will have your pup spend the day romping and playing with other dogs! Pretty sure they would love it and you will have a very content and tired fur baby who will want to sleep all night when they get home.
  4. Start a routine of walking your dog longer in the evening or spend some time in the backyard playing fetch with his favourite toy, ball or stick will help expel some excess built up energy from the day.
  5. If you have one dog, you could think about getting another pup or even a cat to keep each other company during the day.

If you are lucky enough to be able to work in a place that allows you to bring your pets to work it would be ideal! I have the pleasure of sharing my day at the office, with my coworker’s very social, lovable and goofy pug named Mabel. Sometimes we are joined by the meows of a handsome feline named Rodney who loves to sing the song of his peoples!

If you have any questions, give us a call at 709-368-7981.

Written by: Sunrise Animal Hospital