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Puppies Need Their Teeth Cleaned Too!
Puppies Need Their Teeth Cleaned Too!

Puppies Need Their Teeth Cleaned Too!

We recently had a younger dog come in to be neutered. The owners had waited until he was a year and a half old before going through with the neuter. 

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Good Christmas Gifts for Your Pets
What Are Good Christmas Gifts for My Pets?

Good Christmas Gifts for Your Pets

Over the years I’ve given my dogs a number of different toys and contraptions, with only a few getting positive reviews.

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Vet Office Etiquette
Vet Office Etiquette

Vet Office Etiquette

People bring their animals into veterinary hospitals for many reasons. This is why it’s important to respect your fellow pet owners, their animals, staff, and vets.

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Fun Cat Facts
Fun Cat Facts

Fun Cat Facts

Cats make about 100 different sounds. Dogs make about 10. Other methods of communication used by cats include postures, movement, noises and chemical signals. 

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Spring Safety Tips for Your Fur Family
Spring Safety Tips for Your Fur Family

Spring Safety Tips for Your Fur Family

Spring in Newfoundland can be an erratic and protracted process. Technically the official first day of spring is March 20, but Newfoundland has a mind of its own

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What You Need To Know About First Aid
Everything You Need To Know About First Aid

What You Need To Know About First Aid

April is Pet First Aid Month. When in an emergency, you normally only have moments to react and save your pet’s life.

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Aggression and Re-Introducing Cats
Aggression and Re-Introducing Cats

Aggression and Re-Introducing Cats

Misdirected aggression occurs when one animal perceives a threat – for example, another new animal has entered the home territory. 

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Pyometra – Signs, Symptoms and Dangers
Pyometra – Signs, Symptoms and Dangers of the Disease

Pyometra – Signs, Symptoms and Dangers

There are many benefits to spaying your dog or cat; some of these benefits include pet population control and decreased risk of reproductive diseases. 

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6 Tips to Get Your Dog Summer Ready
6 Tips to Get Your Dog Summer Ready

6 Tips to Get Your Dog Summer Ready

It’s that time of year again! Summer is just around the corner on the island, and its time to get your furry friends prepared for those hot sunny days. 

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Failed Feral Fosters
Failed Feral Fosters – Sometimes You Have to Keep One!

Failed Feral Fosters

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed yet from my previous blogs, but I talk a lot about cats.I love dogs and grew up with a family dog

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Travelling with Pets
Travelling with Pets

Travelling with Pets

Whether you’re taking your pets on a short vacation or are moving to another country, it is important to know how to travel with your pets safely. 

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Avoid Anesthesia-Free Dental Cleanings
Avoid Anesthesia-Free Dental Cleanings

Avoid Anesthesia-Free Dental Cleanings

A proper dental cleaning needs to be performed under anesthetic to clean the plaque and tartar under the gum line.

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